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JULY 12 2022

Brief Introduction: Passwordless Authentication

Traditional password log-ins are a quickly becoming a thing of the past, due to advanced developments in passwordless authentication approaches.

Why bother to change the way users log-in to their devices and accounts in the first place? That all has to do with how vulnerable traditional password systems are. Currently, the most common password log-ins use simple authentication methods that only require a password and a username. These approaches pose security threats and make user accounts and information vulnerable to cyberattacks and data theft. With these traditional systems, hackers mostly rely on user error

How many passwords do you use?

Currently, users are required to remember or write down an overwhelming amount of password combinations just to log into various platforms. This often leads to carelessness or lax approaches by the customer. For example, re-using a pet’s name as a password for multiple platforms. These aspects make user information easily accessible to even a novice tech thief.

The solution to the problems presented with traditional password approaches is called passwordless authentication. What exactly is passworldess authentication? It sounds simple enough, but it’s actually far more complex than traditional approaches. It means no username, no password, no security questions and no identifiers get passed between parties. Access is entirely in the hands of the users themselves.

Without a password and no username, how would login be possible? The answer is in the hand, and face, of the user. Biometric authentication is the new single-step password approach. It is often used in conjunction with MFA (multiple factor authentication) solutions. This means, more than one form of authentication is needed to log in, but pairing a traditional element with a passwordless characteristic further increases user security. For example, a user may be asked to enter an SMS code sent to a mobile number in conjunction with another form of security such as verifying an email message. But if the second form is replaces with a passwordless authentication, the level of security greatly increases.

Passwordless Biometric Authentication

The advanced technologies used to conduct facial recognition, fingerprint scanning and voice recognition make these three passwordless identifiers the most secure and accurate forms of user recognition on the market. These are virtually impossible to steal or replicate.

Facial recognition: Scan implements 30,000 invisible dots to create a personalized “map” of the user’s face. That, combined with a simultaneous infrared image scan, is combined to generate a complex and totally unique mathematical representation of the user’s physical features.

Fingerprint scanning: A highly sensitive scan captures a 360 degree orientation of the user’s personalized fingerprint characteristics.

Voice recognition: Demands user-specific interaction with the device

Positives of Passwordless

There are many benefits to passwordless authentication, just to name a few: 

Improves user ease and overall experience: No need to memorize and maintain countless password combinations.

No lock outs: Users are less likely to be temporarily locked out of accounts due to mismanagement of passwords.

Increases security: Virtually impossible to steal or replicate personal physical features.

Simplifies business IT operations: Eliminates need and cost of corporate role in password reset, manage and secure password management systems.

Passwordless authentication log-in has been consistently and universally proven to increase user security and it’s nearly impossible for hackers to unlock. If there is no password, there is nothing for hackers to steal.